16 russet or golden potatoes (golden taste better but russet is what my Mom used)
16 hard boiled eggs
16 dill pickle spears
70 green olives with pimentos
1 onion
¾ cup pickle juice (keep extra on hand in case needed)
1 cup yellow mustard (keep extra on hand in case needed)
2 ¼ cup Miracle Whip (keep extra on hand in case needed)
Paprika for garnish

Time: 2 hours
Servings: A Large Serving Bowl

Rinse, peel and cube potatoes.
Boil approximately 20 minutes, or until the right texture is accomplished. Potatoes shouldn’t be crunchy anymore, but they also shouldn’t be mush, easily mashed. It should be somewhere in the middle where they still have a good hold on their shape but aren’t crunchy like an apple when bitten into.
Drain and rinse potatoes to get rid of that starchy taste when they’re boiled and to begin cooling them.
Refrigerate potatoes in a large bowl until cool.
Quarter the olives and add to bowl.
Dice and add eggs, pickles, and onion to the bowl. The onion should have the smallest pieces because it’s never pleasant to take a big bite of raw onion. It’s there to add a little bit of flavor, but shouldn’t overpower your salad.
Add pickle juice, mustard and miracle whip, then mix thoroughly with a large serving spoon.
Taste the salad and see if it tastes right, it should be tangy, not tart and none of your condiments or juice should overpower the other. If it doesn’t taste right add more of what you think it’s mixing 1 tablespoon at a time, mixing through and testing until you get the desired taste.
Sprinkle paprika in a thin layer over the top to garnish.
Cover and refrigerate until chilled before serving.